Meet Rola Nabulsi’s story, and how she got a job opportunity at GGATEWAY.

“My name is Rola Nabulsi, an IT graduate, specializing in software development from the Islamic University. My undergraduate studies were mostly theoretical, and before graduating with a semester, I was trained in one of the big companies in Gaza. I realized then that there was a big gap between university and job market. For example, I knew the names of the programming languages, but I did have no idea on what are the most commonly used languages in the job market.

I had a clear image of the software field that I will to and after graduation I got more than one job opportunity, some of them in the field of software development and some are far from the field of software. I found an ad for a training course in the field of ASP.NET MVC, conducted at GGATEWAY and funded by Basque Development Agency. Fortunately, I was chosen to be one of the trainees, and I benefited from the course on different levels. On the personal level, I was trained on job skills, and my personality has become stronger in terms of participation in activities and communication with others. On the technical level, I learned ASP.NET MVC from scratch, and by the end of the training program, the first full-scale project was carried out by myself using ASP.NET MVC language.

GGATEWAY is an excellent environment for training and work, and as I was featured during the training course I got a one year work offer from GGATEWAY, in the Database Management project. Finally, I say that a person should spare no efforts in order to achieve his goals.