
Digital Academy Business Development Consultant

Hekmat brings a wealth of experience to his role as the Digital Academy Business Development Consultant at GGateway. With an impressive 28-year tenure at Ericsson, where he served as the Key Account Manager (KAM) and Country Manager for Palestine, Hekmat was instrumental in driving the company’s growth. His keen eye for identifying new opportunities and developing robust business cases have consistently propelled businesses forward.

After his successful career at Ericsson, Hekmat leveraged his expertise as a Business Development Consultant at Nokia, where he continued to spot and capitalize on new business opportunities in Palestine.

Now at GGateway, Hekmat applies his profound business development acumen to his role, shaping the trajectory of the Digital Academy and contributing to the company’s overall mission. His extensive experience and strategic insights make him an invaluable asset to the GGateway team.